Alien Abduction Data Bank


Alien Abduction Data Bank


Alien Abduction
Index Page

Process of abduction – Acquisition
Passing through windows, walls during an abduction:

On November 6, 1957, in Dante, Tenn., Everett Clark saw beings apparently enter a craft through its side without benefit of a door. Some of these features were reported before abduction reports. — UFO Occupant Sightings by Richard H. Hall.

Abductee testimony:

«Your body begins to vibrate, and in some remarkable way you begin to pass through the solid.»

Nanotechnology will give humans greater control of matter at tiny scales.
Beam Technology For Levitation/Transport Purposes:

In the majority of cases, abductions are made via a beam of light used for levitation, as a way to get the subject into the ship, whether from the home or by being led outside to walk into a beam. Beams are often white or bluish white.

Mufon Launches Study Of UFO Abduction Experience by Marcia Jedd.

See: UFO Beam Reports

Team or group coordinated effort:

An away team of short white, gray or blue beings abduct the subject from the home or auto, but usually have no other observed function. — Dan Wright, MUFON member and board member, launched the project in 1992 with the goal to uncover commonalities in alien abductions.

Halfway across they split off into two groups, some headed off down there [makes motion with hands], the rest came directly towards us. — Kelly Cahill. August 1993 Australian abduction.

Alien Stare Down:

The Allagash Abduction

«Their face is in front of my face..they’re saying things, they are explaining things with their eyes…in my head..they’re saying don’t be afraid, we won’t harm you, do what we say» — Jack Weiner – Unsolved Mysteries: Allagash Abductions

See image: Hypnotisk seance Richard Bergh 1887.

Eye Types:
1. Dark slanted cat-like, almond-shaped eyes.

– Witley Strieber’s Communion (Abduction)

2. Dark slanted eyes tapering at end.

– Ikley Moore Photo (Abduction)

– «Funny big black eyes, kind of pointed up in the corners.» (9) (Abduction)

3. Slanted oval or circular-shaped eyes.

Computer composite. Kelly Cahill. August 1993 Australian abduction.

– Filberto Caponi Photo
Eye Texture:

Dark eyes that have a fluid or liquid look when reflecting light. (9) (Abduction)

The eyes are often described as very, very black. — Bud Hopkins.

Alien Vision (Possible Theory):

Nissan Robot BR23C

«By duplicating a bee’s compound eyes, which allow a bee to fly uninterrupted inside its personal space, the BR23C is capable of seeing more than 300-degrees.


Abduction Procedures On-Board Craft
Taken Down Long Hallway:

«When they brought me into the craft they would take me down a long hallway.» — Jesse Long, Jr.

Abductee takes off clothes:


«To my left I could see my bother Jim, Chuck Rack and Charlie Foltz sitting on some type of bench and they were all naked» — Jack Weiner

Abductee lies on operating table or sits on bench:

«They would place me on a flat table.» — Jesse Long, Jr.

Samples are taken. Skin and very often sperm and ovum samples

The aliens took samples of the mens skin and body fluids, their blood, urine and semen. — The Allagash Abduction.

«The experiments on the table included a sperm extraction.» — Jesse Long, Jr.

Betty was subjected to a barrage of test. The aliens examined her eyes, ears, nose, throat, and hair. Skin samples were taken, finally Betty claimed ovum were taken from her. Sperm samples were taken from Barney as well. — Paranormal TV. Betty and Barney Hill Abduction.

Instruments used during an abduction:

Unsolved Mysteries: Allagash Abductions

Laparoscope-type implement

Laparoscope-type implement probing inside the adomen area of a female. «blowing up the abdomen like a balloon» to lift the vital organs away from the probing implement. (9)

Conical object on genitals

Clear plastic covering over males genitals with vibration for sperm sample. (9)

Clear conical object on genitals to extract sperm. (9)

Dr. Roger Leir implant analysis.

Lab Analysis (biological and metallurgical):

Clinton P. Anderson meson physics facility – Los Alamos National Laboratory (metallurgic testing).
New Mexico Tech Laboratory (metallurgic test).
The University of Texas at San Antonio (x-ray defraction test).

Biological findings:

1. There is no portal of entry.
2. Then when we look at the soft tissues that surround the object there is no inflammatory response.
3. The area was sourrounded by a large number of nerve cells, very specialized nerve cells called proprioceptors and these were certainly not anatomically correct for that area of the anatomy.
4. Results show the implants had been connected to the patients nerve ending.

Outer membrane:

«This object was housed in yet another grey membrane. Remarkably, this inner membrane could not be cut even with a surgical scalpel.» — Dr. Roger Leir.
«The other unusual thing we found was that in the living state we could not cut these entities open with a surgical blade, and surgical blades are very sharp.» — Dr. Roger Leir.

«At first we were only able to afford to do the biological testing and we found some very unusual results. First of all the original objects that we removed were metallic rods, that were covered with a very strange dark gray biological membrane and this membrane surrounded the metal within in such a tight form and it was so very dark and gray and smooth and well organized, that it was impossible to believe that this was just something that was just put there by the body.» — Dr. Roger Leir.

Metallurgical Findings:

– The objects were highly magnetic, amorphous iron that thad no crystalline form. — Dr. Roger Leir.
– Results show the elements in the implants were composed of meteorites so rare only a few have ever been found. — Dr. Roger Leir.
– Results indicated the implants were manafactured and not naturally occuring meterorites. — Dr. Roger Leir.
– The nickel/iron ratio in our samples did not match that of the nickel/iron ration found in meteoriets

Scanning electron microscope analysis:

Scanning electron microscope to observe its surface:
X-ray defraction test:

The University of Texas at San Antonio. Robert K. Smith. Ph. D. Professor Of Geology.

X-ray defraction test could not match it to any of the 65,000 known substances in their computer file.
According to the lab’s official report: If the material analyzed is indeed iron, it lacks any internal ordered arrangement of atoms or ions.


Analysis of Alleged Alien «Implants»

Implant Shape:

Cantaloupe Seed:

Surgically removed implants have the appearence of «little cantaloupe seeds» surrounded by a membrane. (8)

BB Shot:

According to many reports, the implant is a small metal object about the size of a BB shot, placed in the nasal passages, but implants in other parts of the body also have been reported. Implants. (7)

Abductees report having round, BB sized implants being placed and removed inside ear, nasal passages, and eye sockets experiencing great pain and irritation. Traces of residual blood are sometims found after abduction experience. The ETs use a a long pointer tool (a rod used for pointing) with the implant on end to insert and remove implants. (9)

[Person returned to place of abduction]


After effects
Missing Time:

Amnesia/Screen Memory: The implication is that UFOnauts themselves use posthypnotic suggestions to erase such encounters from the conscious minds of the human beings with whom the make contact. (1)

Radio-Hypnotic Intercerebral Control (RHIC)

The Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM) alters time senses by emitting radio waves and ultra-sonic signal tones which act upon memory storage chemicals in the brain.

Real Trauma Symptoms:


Richaed McNally’s test subject undergoes galvanic response/feedback testing in his Harvard alien abduction study.
Center for Psychology and Social Change.

They display real stress symptoms similar to those of traumatised battlefield veterans. The latest research on the «taken» phenomenon was unveiled at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Denver.

BBC: Alien ‘abductees’ show real symptoms

Physical Scars:


Tree small red dots along inner thigh. — Jane and Glinda. 1993 Australian abduction.


Triangular mark under naval. — Kelly Cahill. 1993 Australian abduction.


Ligature mark around ankle with severe bruising. – Glenda. 1993 Australian abduction.

Scoop mark:

I think most dramatic are the physical marks on people’s bodies after these experiences. They fall into various types, but one very common one is what we call a scoop mark, which is a little round depression about the size of my thumb nail or a little smaller. As if a little — some sort of object or some sort of tool has just removed a layer of cells.

Bud Hopkins and Abductions. Miles Obrien CNN News, New York

Straight like surgical cut:

Another type is just a straight like surgical cut that can be anywhere from oh, a small inch or so, but down to maybe three and a half, four inches long

Large bruises:

And, another set of these marks can be simply large bruises, especially on the insides of the thighs, as if some kind of gynecological stirrups had been used or something of that sort.
NOVA: Interview With Bud Hopkins


Alien Motive
Cloning, Propagating Species:

«The sperm extraction proceedure is the most traumatic. It has cost me the most problems, in that they actually force me to cross-breed with what seems to be a female being» — Jesse Long, Jr.

«Now when we were taken inside [the craft], the leader, or we called him this, becuase he appeared to be the only who spoke english began to question us. He said he only wanted to do some simple test, to find out how we were like them or different then them.» — Betty Hill. Paranormal TV – Betty and Barney Hill Abduction.


In this study, they transferred rat, pig, sheep, and monkey nuclei into gutted cow eggs. These rat, pig, sheep, and monkey embryos reached a key stage in their early development — the formation of blastocyst-like structures — within periods of time that were appropriate for their respective species, though not for cattle. This gives us a preliminary indication that the residual bovine dna had no effect on the young embryos and that animals cloned in this way would not exhibit any hybrid characteristics.

Cloning Red Herrings By David Longtin and Duane C. Kraemer.

Human and alien hybrid offspring interaction observed:

Hybrid illustration. Bud Hopkins. Miles Obrien CNN News, New York

The abductee is placed into a very large room similar to an auditorium. The abductee is placed in the center of the room with many alien observers surrounding him/her. One by one children are brought into the room and presented to the abductee. The children are frail and anemic looking, with fine white hair and overly large, very human eyes. They are smaller than human children. with a distinct look of the alien crossbreeding, and yet they retain many of their human features. The aliens seem to want interatcion between the human subject and the alien offspring. (11)

«I was taken aboard the craft, placed on a table, I was presented with a baby, I was told this is your child. There were nine other children standing along the wall, they all looked at me and I could see yes, they were mine, each of the children who was standing along the wall, walked up to me lying on the table and they each touched my hand as they walked by and looked me straight in the eyes and they walked on out of the room and the message I was getting from them was, we’re okay, thank you» — Jesse Long, Jr.

Angered response by aliens:

Implant Removal:
Abductees report alien agitation after getting an implant surgically removed. (9)

Male abductees report anger by aliens after getting a vasectomy. (9)

Cattle Mutlilation:

Note similarities.

Note similarities.

Lying on its side (see photo). The animal’s entire milk sac was missing with no evidence of blood on the animal, nor on the ground where it lay. The neighbor said the neat, oval incision where the udder had been removed appeared to be charred.

Other farmers in the Albertville area soon started reporting similar cases over the next two months. The same organs were reported missing, though what was taken varied from animal to animal. In many cases the rectum had been cored out neatly, with no evidence of blood or body fluid present. On female livestock the sex organs had been removed in an identical fashion with clean, bloodless incisions. On male livestock, the sex organs had also been removed, again in oval, bloodless incisions.

Throughout all the cases, cattle farmers and their neighbors reported seeing or hearing helicopters in the vicinity either before or shortly after mutilated cattle were discovered.

Thursday, February 25, 1999. Cascade Mountains, Near Mt. St. Helens, Washington, United States

A team of forestry workers allegedly had been witness to an incident on Thursday, February 25, 1999, during which time an elk was lifted off the ground and carried away by a very peculiar, disc-shaped object.


Early Abduction Reports:

November 25, 1896. Colonel H. G. Shaw (11)
What might have been the first recorded claim of attempted alien abduction came during the Great Airship sightings in the late nineteenth century, early on the evening of November 25, 1896. Colonel H. G. Shaw said he, with a companion, Camille Spooner, had left Lodi, California, «when the horse stopped suddenly and gave a snort of terror.»

|Animal Reaction|

Shaw claimed that he saw three tall and thin humanoid figures, «They were without any sort of clothing, but were covered with a natural growth as soft as silk to the touch and their skin was like velvet. Their faces and heads were without hair, the ears were very small, and the nose had the appearance pf polished ivory, while the eyes were large and lustrous. The mouth, however, was small and it seemed…they were without teeth.» (11)

|Extraterrestrial Humanoid Reports|

To what extent do earlier descriptions of UFO occupants match abductee descriptions of their reported captors? In some of the 1954 cases the witnesses saw very large or especially noteworthy eyes through the headgear, and in one case, on October 18, a human-appearing being was seen cooperating with two small humanoids. — UFO Occupant Sightings by Richard H. Hall.

|Extraterrestrial Humanoid Reports|

October 5, 1957. Sao Francisco de Salles (1)
Antonio Villas-Boas. Early abduction, sexual encounter with alien-human hybrid.

September 19, 1961. Indian Head, New Hampshire
The Betty and Barney Hill abduction.

|Beeping Sound|

Cattle Mutlilation History:

Red Flag: April 28, 1897. Le Roy Kansas.
Alexander Hamilton reported that his cow had been carried off by an illuminated airship that descended by his barn. The following day, a neighbor found the heifer ‘s legs, hide and head in his field. (1)

It was only in 1977 when Jerry Clark, in FATE magazine, published the results of Robert Schadewald’s work on the «calfnapping» story, that the truth came out.

Alexander Hamilton admitted hoaxing the report. (11)

1960s. United States. (1)
In the 1960s, farmers throughout the United States found the corpses of animals, usually cattle, with vital organs removed, blood completely or partially drained, and sometime external parts such as eyes or ears surgically removed. The most celebrated case involved a horse called snippy.

1970s Puerto Rico, Canada, Brazil, Bolivia, Sweden, Australia, Scotland and central Europe. (1)
The phenomenon continued into the 1970s, reportedly spreading into Puerto Rico, Canada, Brazil, Bolivia, Sweden, Australia, Scotland and central Europe.

The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Mutilations in La Pampa Argentina


Alien Abductors:
«The descriptions were are getting from the UFO occupants about 85% are extremely similar» — Bud Hopkins.

Gray Alien. Bud Hopkins.
Australia abduction. Multiple Witnesses. Kelly Cahill
Size: Between 3 1/2 and 5 feet tall.

Make: Extremely slinder

Skin: Greyish-white

Head: Very large crainium

Eyes: Often very, very black

Mouth: Slit, no movemnet

Ears: No ears

August 1976. Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Maine
October 12,1973 Pascagoula, Mississippi.


Dan Wright, MUFON member and board member, launched the project in 1992 with the goal to uncover commonalities in alien abductions.

Most entity groups use short grays for performing the actual abduction. The media and abduction stories tend to focus on the short grays.

An away team of short white, gray or blue beings abduct the subject from the home or auto, but usually have no other observed function.

Additional entities aboard the ship likewise seem to have more narrowly defined duties.

Taller beings are often contained within the ship and nearly always appear to hold the most authority. One taller being usually doesn’t leave the ship. He is often referred to as a doctor; but he’s clearly in charge. Less appears to be known about the taller beings who stay on the ship.

Assistants to the doctor may be short or tall, but usually tend to be taller.


Cultural Reaction
Science Fiction And Popular Culture Factor:

Martin S. Kottmeyer, writing in Magonia, presents a good argument for the introduction of elements from pop culture in the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case.

The «wraparound eyes» described by Barney Hill appeared in an episode of the TV series, ‘The Outer Limits’ entitled the ‘The Bellero Shield’ firsy broadcast 10 February 1964. (11)

The Twilight Zone aired an episode entitled «Hocus Pocus and Frisby» that delt with alien abduction and had gray-faced beings with black eyes that was first broadcast on April 13, 1962. (11)

Astounding Stories, published in June 1935 shows an alien abduction scene on the magazine cover that bears a striking similarity to modern day abduction accounts. Although, the alien beings have pupils in large whites for eyes. (11)

Classic science fiction movies that features some aspect of modern day alien abduction accounts are Not of this Earth (1956), The Night Caller (1965), This Island Earth, The 27th Day, Killers From Space, Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, Invasion of the Saucermen, Invader’s from Mars (1953), It Conquered the World, Mars Needs Women. (11)

Psychological Explanations:

Is alien abduction real—or a creation of Hollywood

People who believe they’ve been abducted tend to be fantasy-prone and eccentric, for one. On the other hand, they don’t tend to be crazy. Most abductees are regular Joes, with decent jobs; though they have varying levels of education, they are predominantly white and middle class.

— Red Flag: Karen Olsson

Why the Abduction Phenomenon Cannot Be Explained Psychiatrically

Clinical hypnotist William C. McCall, technical writer John DeHerrera and English professor Alvin Lawson have conducted experiments in which imaginary group of subjects with no significant knowledge about UFOs. Eight situational questions relating to the major components of a «real» abduction were asked of each subject. Their responses indicated a wide range of imaginative invention. Significantly, the imaginary experiences related under hypnosis by the test subjects showed no substantive differences from those related by «real» abductees. (1)

There is a natural human tendency to fit any new phenomenon into familiar patterns and structures, even when a procrustean bed must be stretched beyond recognition in order to do so, for we tolerate mystery and uncertainty poorly.

— John E. Mack, M.D. Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference (North Cambridge Press, 1992).



Government Involvement
Dark Unmarked Helicopters And Cattle Mutilation/ Abductions:

Reports of unmarked helicopters and unidentified lights hovering over the mutilation sites, plus the reported absence of footprints around the remains, led investigators to connect the incidents with the UFO mystery. (1)

Let us summarize the helicopter topic in five points:

1. The helicopter mystery starts during the late sixties, early seventies in connection with animal mutilations.

2. During these times the agenda behind the helicopters showed a minor interest on UFO-abductees.

3. The helicopters began to increase their interest on UFO abductees during the eighties up to the present, but were also reported near animal mutilation sites and other areas in northern America.

4. At present, many North American abduction researchers have some cases in their files.

5. There were reports of phantom helicopter activity in England during the seventies, but it seems that their interest in animal mutilations and abductees is limited to North America.


Preliminary findings of Project-MILAB: Evidence for military kidnappings of alleged UFO-abductees by Dr. Helmut Lammer Ph.D.

Telemetric Mind Control

Advocacy Committee for Human Experiment Survivors-Mind Control (ACHES-MC)

US Goverment Torture | History Of Abuse

MILABS, Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction

Project-MILAB: Evidence for military kidnappings of alleged UFO-abductees by Dr. Helmut Lammer Ph.D.

MILABs may be the evidence that a secret military/intelligence task force operates since the early eighties in North America and is involved in monitoring and kidnapping of alleged UFO-abductees. In the beginning of the eighties a lot of money became available legal and over black budgets for top secret military projects like the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). This task force meight be financed by a portion of this money. It seems to me that they are interested in well investigated UFO-abduction cases. They are monitoring the houses of their victims, kidnapping and possible implanting them with military devices sometimes shortly after an UFO-abduction experience. It appears to me that they are searching for possible alien implants too.

Government’s involvement, the subject sees military or para-military personnel working alongside entities or is otherwise led to believe that the government is involved in working with alien entities.

Mufon Launches Study Of UFO Abduction Experience by Marcia Jedd

Red Flag (Steven Greer, Barry King): I have multiple different corroborating people who’ve worked in facilities where this stuff’s going on, where we have engaged in really extraordinary genetic experiments and have come up with things that are called PLF’s, and this a Programmed Life Form. Now, Programmed Life Form is a human created thing that looks alien, because it’s really quite bizarre, but it’s not extraterrestrial.

Possible Agreements:

«There seems to be some sort of reciprocal type of arrangement. Where by they are coming to earth and creating a new race of beings or creating some sort of hybrid race of beings.» — Elizabeth Robinson – Perth, Western Australia.

«Eventually those hybrids as we call them are going to populate the planet.» — Abductee ‘Mark’ – Miles Obrien CNN News, New York

See: Reverse Engineering , UFO Witness Harassment

Telepathic Communication like technology:

Directed sound device focuses sound in one place.

In 1973, the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research discovered that by pulsing microwaves to produce «audiograms» (analogs for spoken words) and directing these microwaves on people, they could make a person hear voices inside his/her head.

Pulsed Microwave Audiograms

Human auditory system response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy

BBC News: Brain waves control video game

Alien Implant Skepticism:

The New «Hard Evidence» by Red Flag: Joe Nickell

Scientific Analysis of an «Alien Implant»

Implant, Chip Technology:


Joseph A. Meyers – Transponders

This instrument has no batteries, is activated by radio, and can be used for life, so that the brain can be stimulated indefinitely.

Three-channel transdermal stimulator

FDA Approves Human Chip Implants

FDA OKs Implantable Chip With Patient Info

Just Another Chip in the (Privacy) Wall

See: Reverse Engineering

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