UmmoCat Overmeire dixit


UmmoCat Overmeire dixit


Dear Ignacio,
The more I’m going through your ummocat, the more I am wondering if you really KNOW and really BE AWARE what a marvellous treasure you have gathered ?  You deserve to be billions of times praised by all those who do some research on the Ummo case. Thank you, thank you so much. I’m speakless and in admiration. I’ll try to structure all your datas in an attempt to have a clear view not only on the facts in the ummo-affaire, but also a whole lot peculiarities about the «persons» who have been playing an active or passive leading or supporting part. 
Of course, there is a lot to sort out, but that’s just my cup of tea.
Your D177 pagina 30 (asi que pagina 31)
cartas recibidas en Sevilla en 1980 i 1981; al menos 37 comunicationas escritas, pretendidamente ummitas, recebidas par los Srs Santotoribio, Herrera, Serrano, Cherpa…etc… (…) 70 folios en el original como minimo. Documentos ineditos 
Could you eventually obtain a copy of htese documents? If yes, sure, I’m diabolically interested ! But please, accept I pay the mailcosts. Or give me perhaps a mail-address to the owner of these papaer, will you ? Jean and I are only interested in the written papers, and not in the registered tapes.     
Your D196 and D197
supposed to have been sent by Dr Kurtzweil to you (from New York 23 May 1984, to Sevilla 16th of June same year) and to Ribera in May 1984 : please can I have a copy ? 
Your D275
Have you an idea about who was the «K» to have inserted an advertisement saying he was interested in a contact with Ummo ? (FSR vol 28 nr 3 octobre 1976, page 25 )
Your D282
Carta de Ummo con motivo de un congreso ufologico celebrada en la Republica Argentina. En poder de Nestor F. Berlanda studioso argentina de la ufologia que reside en la ciudad de Rosario. 2 folios. Inedito. Este documento no ostenta las caracteristicas habituales en los textos ummitas. Have you seen this document ?   
Otherwise, I presume Rafael Farriols was not ready for giving you a copie of the letter D299 nor from the tape D300 ? Or did he ?
Best and warmest regards and hugs and kisses from your grateful