Pollion Ummo Conclusions


Pollion Ummo Conclusions


Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos



December  1st  2000



  1. Jean Pollion

B.P.  34                                               B-1081 Koekelberg




           Dear Monsieur Pollion ,



           Thanks for your interesting   )+(  news.    In these Sevillian files there are the 4 following  kinds of Ummo documents :   1 ):   Six original   )+(  letters received in Sevilla by  Ignacio Darnaude   ;   2 ) : Many  )+(  missives taken from the well known books by Aguirre , Ribera , Farriols , López    Guerrero , Wendelle Stevens and other authors   ;

3 ) : A lot of positive photographies , from 35 mm black and white negatives , sized postal cards ( 9 x 12 centimeters ) , taken from a certain number of photocopies from original  )+(  papers received by Sesma , Villagrasa ,   Domínguez , Barrenechea , etc..  A problem : these photos are not good at all , and the text appears written through very small typographical characters , then the content results of a rather difficult  reading    ;    4 ):  Photocopies , from other previous photocopies , of some original )+( epistles  sent to several Spanish ummologists , sized normal folio Din A 4.                                        


          The   )+(  documents from the groups  Nº 3 and Nº 4 are filed under 25 thick and massive    folders , full of all the 4,650+  ordained documents   ( numbered   1 , 2 , 3 , …..  4,650+ ) , the basic material for the compilation of the    “Documental Catalogue of the Cryptic Group Ummo” ( “UmmoCat” )    ( 4 volumes ,    1,189+  pages ).    You can easily imagine the huge amount of time and work which would cosume to revise one by one every and all of these 4,650+   )+( items , to select the postal cards or Din A4 which are copies from the original  letters , take them to a xerographic shop , return anew these basic documents to their exact ordered place into their respective folder , and mailed them to you.        




        First of all I am sending you enclosed xerocopies of the 6 Darnaude )+( writings , and a list with the name and address of 40 persons who have received  )+( riddles , in order you may be able to ask for a first rate and direct copy of their own original  )+( to  those 40 people.    As this writer does not speak French nor English , if you agree , please send your  Ummo   written  questions , in order the Pollion interview can be answered typed by computer ,  in English.



           No , this friend unfortunately never has protagonized a privileged , direct and personal contact

with your quoted   ( ummiti ? ) “brethren”.



             Of course , in Seville we are highly interested in knowing the true identity , origin and purposes of the elusive  Ummo agents , registered in your two volumes of  Ummo  conclusions.



             Best regards to you and your assistant.













