El principio de Elusividad Cósmica. The Principle of Cosmic Elusiveness. Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos
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El principio de Elusividad Cósmica. The Principle of Cosmic Elusiveness. Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos
Carta sobre Elusividad de Robert J. Durant a Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos
Robert J. Durant
106 Hessian Hill Drive
Pennington, NJ 08534
(609) 737-0696
fax (609) 737-8272
11 June 00
Mr. Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos
Seville, Spain
Dear Sir:
I want to thank you for the fascinating “The Principle of Cosmic Elusiveness” you sent to me. I use the term «poem’ because of the vast range of language and erudition it displays, and the compressed exposition of some very difficult concepts.
Enclosed is a gift in return. This is letterhead paper you might be able to use on the unwary. Yes, it is meant as a joke. But I think it is a good joke – on all «seekers.» Alas, that means me, too.
I took the liberty of making several copies of the manuscript for the use of the very few people of my acquaintance who might appreciate it.
- J. Durant
Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos
Member of the Invisible College; Member of the Bastard Children of Hiram and the Widow; operative and speculative master of the lie of the Orient and the Occident, Ancient, Accepted or Revised; associate of
Mizraim and Memphis; associate of the Philalethes and the Nine Sisters; member of the Strict Observance
and of the Ordo Templi Orientis; member of the Illuminati of Bavaria and Avignon; Kadosh Knight; associate of the Elus Cohen and of the Perfect Friendship; Knight of the Black Eagle and the Holy City; Rosicrucian of Anglia; cabalist of the Rose + Cross of Gold; associate of the Catholic Rosy Cross of the
Temple and the Grail; associate of the Stelia Matutina, of the Astrum Argentinum and Thelema; member of Vril and Thule; member of the Great White Fraternity; Guardian of the Temple; professor of the college
and priory of Zion and Gaul; intimate of the Unknown Superiors and the Masters of the World; associate of
the triune and trinosophic mystical and most secret orden of the Synarchic Knights of Templar Rebirth;
Knight ofthe Baphomet; Knight of the Six Intact Seals; Knight of the Tetragrammaton; Knight Executioner of Florian and Dei; Knight of the Athanor; Venerable Naometer of the Turris Babel; Venerable Naometer
of the Great Pyramid; Venerable Naometer of the Cathedrals; Venerable Naometer of the Temple of Solomon; Venerable Naometer of the Hortus Palatinus; Venerable Naometer of the Temple of Heliopolis; Mystical Legate of Karnak; Mystical Legate of Camelot; Mystical Legate of Montsegur; Mystical Legate of the Hidden Imam; Supreme Patriarch of Saint Martin des Champs; Supreme Patriarch of Marienbad;
Supreme patriarch of the Invisible Okhrana; Supreme Patriarch in partibus of the Rock of Alamut;
Psychopomp of the Eglise Luciferienne; Sublime Hierogram of the Chemical Wedding; Sublime
Rodostauric Psychopomp; Sublime Referendarium of the Most Ardane Arcana; Sublime Steganograph of
the Hieroglyphic Monad; Sublime Astral Connector Utriusque Cosmi; Sublime Keeper of the Tomb of
Rosencreutz; Imponderable Archon of the Currents; Imponderable Archon of the Hollow Earth;
Imponderable Archon of the Mystic Pole; Imponderable Archon of the Labyrinths; Imponderable Archon
of the Pendulum of Pendula; Imponderable Archon of the Imponderable Archons; Servant of Servants;
Most Humble Secretary of the Egyptian Oedipus; Lowest Messenger of the Masters of the World; Porter of
Agarttha; Last Thurifer of the Pendulum; Doctor of the Planispheres; Hermetic Philosopher; Grand Elect of
the Eons; Knight Prince of the Rose of Heredom; Grand Master of the Temple of Wisdom; Knight
Noachite; Wise Siviast; Knight Supreme Commander of the Stars; Sublime sage of the Zodiac; Shepherd
King of the Hutz; Interpreter of Hieroglyphs; Sage of the Pyramids; Sublime Titan of the Caucasus; Orphic
Doctor; Sublime Skald; Prince Brahmin; Guardian of the Three Fines; Prince of Babylon; Knight of the Black Cross; Knight of Death; Sublime Master of tt., Lumlnous Ring; Priest of the Sun; Grand Architect; Knight of the Black and White Eagle; Royal Arch; Knight of the Phoenix; Knight of Iris; Priest of Eleusis;
Knight of the Golden Fleece, & etc.