Carta a William Dembski de Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos sobre elusividad (29 Mayo 2001)


Carta a William Dembski de Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos sobre elusividad (29 Mayo 2001) 



Ignacio   Darnaude   Rojas – Marcos

May 29th 2001

Mr. William Dembski , Ph. D.

Doctor in Mathematics and Philosophy

Baylor University

Michael Polanyi Center

Waco , Texas , U.S.A.

           Dear Dr. Dembski ,

           Intelligent design ?.   ( Ufo Magazine , April-May 2001 , pages 40-51 ).   Of course , Sir.       But always disguised , under wraps , veiled.

           Why such a sempiternal absence of proof concerning intentional shaping out a course in nature

affairs ?.     Never a damned proof about purposeful

drawing up plans in the scheme of things……

Why such efficient camouflage and masquerading in regard to goal-oriented intervention of clever agents in biology , genetics , astronomy , cosmology ?.

           Obvious.     Because of a deliberate cryptic , hidden , concealed working out of intelligent executives in the administration of   world affairs.

           I am sending you enclosed               The principle of cosmic elusiveness   , a paper dealing with some reasons , whys and wherefores concerning the intangibility of certain aimful management of the scheme of things.

           Best wishes and regards

