El principio de Elusividad Cósmica. The Principle of Cosmic Elusiveness. Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos


El principio de Elusividad Cósmica. The Principle of Cosmic Elusiveness. Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos



Ignacio   Darnaude   Rojas – Marcos                                                                    





We are sending to you a paper in regard to the ubiquitous phenomenon of   elusiveness   , a sort of explanation Ignacio has tried about the whys and wherefores of the unfatomable mystery of the misteries in the whole field of ufology   :   the unnatural , flawless disappearing of   proofs and evidence concerning the overwhelming existence and machinations of unidentified flying objects.     In other words , the reasons for the omnipresent ambivalence and playing sneaking of the mind-boggling alien presence.





Ignacio   Darnaude   Rojas – Marcos




THE     PRINCIPLE       OF  









The   hidden   whys   and   wherefores   behind



our   physical   universe








               It happens that the world is somehow deceptive, and things are not at all as they seem to be.     Our poor senses are confronted with this festival of tricky appearances , and on the opposite side of this untruthful scenery deepens     The Unknown.     The face of reality does not correspond , even distantly , with the background of its authentic ontological noumenon : what Kant named   the thing in itself.   And the numberless spheres of life , along with inhabited kingdoms we cannot perceive , represent a thousandfold the infinitesimal three-dimensional galactic arena that enters into our eyes.




             If we stop to think , existing is pure disappointment , a through deceit perpetrated by the senses , which at best grasp some one per cent of all that have life.   The colossal imposture of people not being aware of the other   99 % that remains forever unexplored , obeys to intentional machinations of the alien script-writers and choreographers who, from incorporeal dimensions , telecommand the   Grand Guignol which in truth is this rotten life.     And the reaction of those cheated   -the six billion “sovereign people”-   in the face of such a monumental pig in a poke , is downgrading themselves to a rampant conformism in the damned abdicracy we call Earth , sticking on blinkers and shrugging their shoulders.




               Sources of contemporary revelation proclaim that human herd are allowed by the Good Shepherd to keep an eye on our planetary grazing land , but an infinite number of arcane sheep and unimaginable zoologies also ruminate on alternative non-physical grassy fields , and swarm in ultragalactic sheepfolds.       Sleight of hand   pig-farmers hailing from other mansions , in front of our inquisitive gaze , take charge of swindling the pasture grounds , as well the extra cattle -our brothers from untracked planes of existence- who browse upon unseen holm-oak groves of the vast latifundium which is the universe.




                 The reality´s prestidigitation in exchange for artful simulacra is as old as humankind ; it was born along with the biblical stories of   The Word   and   Let us make the light.   We guess the audio/visual/tactile catchpenny in many aspects of life , but the humbug ostensibly blossoms in the nebulous affair of unidentified flying objects.     It is self evident that the grand UFO hocus-pocus was staged on purpose as a double-dealing display , on the understanding that at all events there would be no incontrovertible proofs concerning the actual existence of flying discs , their crews and out of reach headquarters.




                   Backed by this Machiavellian   plan , the exonauts show themselves under veil , and UFOs perambulate into and out of the atmosphere , glide over dams , strategic military facilities and atomic plants , land , ejaculate brachycephalic dwarfs , pontificate to humble villagers , dictate thick bundles of papers to contactees , abduct and impregnate unarmed housewives , but never openly take action nor produce visiting cards.     No doubt the interdimensional exhibition has been knowingly masterplanned , making use of such a misleading psychological engineering that under no circumstances do the Visitors give rise to unquestionable validations in regard to themselves and their covert operations.




                 Furthermore , in half a century of frantic activity , UFO occupants did not endow us with a single corroboration; only perennial uncertainty.     This loud anomaly uncovers one of its many oddities : The Phenomenon has the best of both worlds. It unfurls its strange paraphernalia with cynical impudicity , but at the same time hides itself on aimful deliberation.     The ufodrome looks like a fight due to its amphibology addiction ; after millions of sightings , we not yet have , as it should be expected , any undeniable photos , notarial certificates solemnizing the many    close encounters of the absurd kind   , nor any testimonies of absolute reliability.       It all develops into trash again and again , so people pay no attention to deliquescent exospheric problems.




                   This astounding unanimity throughout fifty years , concerning the obscurantist behaviour of extraterrestrial   plague , points out that in UFO business it must rule some tough and strong power of centralized coordination , relative to the flying saucers seeming chaotic tacticts.     A sort of incontestable authority with a capacity for disciplining the uses and wonts of the massive and variegated alienoplanetary immigration suffered by Earth since the key-summer of 1947.




                 Certain unifying control , established at the very least in order that the multitudinous tasks of E.T.s executed in this orb , on no account be able to transgress the sempiternal cover-up contrived by cosmic decision-makers.




                   Subsequent to millions of UFO incidents , it is clear-cut that folks from remote stars are fond of hitting and running.     The gods from this Olympus of atomic age like interplanetary sojourns , but pull the strings seeking that flesh and blood man-in-the-street could never plainly believe in aliens.




                   In short , the history of ufo presence is a perpetual hide-and-seek play.     Not even by chance are mortals able to cross the actual path of the fading away cosmonauts. Martian invasions in Hollywood style , nor landings in broad daylight under the nose of T.V. cameras upon the White House lawn , were neither seen in the   past , nor they are expected in the emergence of the brand new century , as the candid adepts of some old-fashioned ufology , grounded only on staged appearances , anxiously announce and desire.




                 The sagacious fact-finder , if he does not like to fall victim of frustration nor end up in a mental asylum , has to assume in advance the remarked strategy of            I am/I am not , accomplished with cynical shamelessness by the fifth column from Above ; and to dismiss , till hell freeze over , any sort of unveiled , diaphanous and trustworthy E.T. demeanour.




                 The trick of   “to make without appearing to do” , as well   “to seem what one is not” , conforms the first constant to bear in mind regarding humanoid operations.     Its working is paramount : from   1947   to the end of our millennium we have not stumbled across a damned failure in this masterful law of dissimulation , the basic rule in ufological science.     Without a sole historical exception , each and every one of the countless episodes of sightings ,       UFO waves , landings , footsteps , traces and debris on the ground , crop circles , ufonauts , contact claims and abductions , on every occasion infallibly manifest inconsistencies , faults , incongruous circumstances along with suspicious flaws that take away scientific seriousness and credibility before public opinion.





                   Is it normal , on the side of such an ostentatious bungle on the part of an élite of supergifted hyerarchies from outer space , these so prolific evanescent happenings , to slip away and evade the issue over and over again ?.     Not at all. So much avoidance and elusion smells of some highly intelligent design and outstanding organization , that is , a subtle plan of disguising action.     So big a flawless tergiversation of   facts , double-dealing , hold with the hare but run with the hounds , not to show one´s face and methodical averting of evidence, leads one to believe that the cunning play of appearing in a fugacious manner and then checkering off , is just one of the sacrosanct priorities of our uninvited guests , some draconian agenda carried out with abnormal efficiency , having in mind not to put out of joint Earth society.    




                   Furthermore , the UFO crashes and retrievals along with corpses of humanoids , it is said in the hands of   U.S. Intelligence agencies , are on no account hazardous accidents.     There are so many anomalous factors concerning these implausible wrecks of spaceships of far advanced technology , that come to pass again and again ,and moreover just in the Southwest of United States ( symbolic hot domain of the first atomic blasts in human history ) , always on desertic countrysides sheltered from unwanted witnesses , aside from aerial vessels and crews preserved by miracle more or less undamaged.    




                   All such deviations from pure chance induce one to understand that those remains have been knowingly “planted” upon the sands of New Mexico , backwards general public , with the goal of convincing selectively the C.I.A. and   Pentagon, without upsetting the worldwide establishment.   Therefore , the theatrical Roswell smash and other assimilable casualties , cannot infringe upon the inviolable ways and means of E.T.´s going incognito.




                   The baffling wonderwork that in succession to tens of millions of UFO incidents following June 24th 1947 , we have not yet at one´s disposal a lone humble evidence , throws light on The Phenomenon   as   “an intromission utterly foreign to the imperfect technology from our world”.   To this effect , Martians work as nocturnal thieves , thinning out under masks like silent extras from a Greek tragedy in the age of cybernetics.     Non-natives crouch upon this blue geoid toiling on a large scale at some unknown project , but extricate their etheric figures with exquisite precautions , in order to not draw attention in any irreversible way.




                 Little green men enjoy simulating dramatic pantomimes in the presence of lonely witnesses afflicted by well known defects of character.     Whom , further on , nobody will believe.     Crackpots are chosen beforehand with the malicious resolve to profit from their blameworthy reputations. And by means of such a dextrous subterfuge , in passing is demolished the whole UFO undertakings.     Because the blueprint of galactic vagabonds consists precisely in the surreal target of   self-disparagement.     Even though , at the same   time ,   E.T. subculture keep permeating gradually , and with no frights , the collective consciousness of human race     ( its number one objective ).








                 In order to overtake their secret intents , the external corporality and figure that sideral bioforms choose to adopt , while performing Earth staged dramas , are at no time their natural extradimensional physiques ( perhaps formless pure-energy condensations ) , forever unknowable to local percipients.     In tens of thousands occurrences , flying saucers have materialized , thanks to far ahead psycho-physic modus operandi , a zoo with an endless variety of factory-new apparent aliens: perfect miniature men as a pack of Lucky Strike , big headed dwarfs , blonde & good-looking blue-eyed Arian “humans”, giants seven meters tall , one-eyed cyclops , mantis-religious insectoids , greys , reptilians , hairy bigfoots , “chupacabras”, self-luminous angels , Virgin Maries and a lot of similar oddities , just moulded into 3-D matter as one goes along.




                 The histrionic silhouettes of foreigners are not real at all but pure comedy : phantom apparitions of ephemeral anthropomorphic illusions , a moment ago coagulated in situ from primeval cosmic energy.     Maybe some assorted etheric bestiary , recently solidified , in cautious accordance with humankind maturity , cultural background and traditions , social expectations and current belief systems.     Let us stress that E.T. procedure consists of making us accept what they are     not , carefully obviating their genuine energetic organisms , ontological quid and noumenic “beingness”.              




                   It is exasperating , but at the close of ten lustres of studies , we still lack prospective ways and means to uncover the unfathomable reality enshrouded behind of extravagant Venusian´s   hot off the fire bodies and their carnival masked ball.  




               Let us remember : our   unique   data bank to investigate the queer ballet of absurdities ritualized by our dear histrionauts ( never better said ), is based exclusively on their external countenances and play-acting manoeuvres.   But we are dead tired of verifying that both are feigned.   Man has only their didactic farces as raw material for analysis.   We cannot at all search straight the intangible creatures of inner spheres per se , but solely their educational and fallacious characterizations in front of mundane stalls.     By more harsh words , UFO enigma turns out to be inherently inscrutable    sine die.                   It would be as if a forerunner from Ganymede might resolve to study human fauna watching Hamlet , sat down at a theater.     Our Jupiterian guest could hardly apprehend the fascinating jewels of Terra´s crown : the multifarious marrow and substance from this complex , vibrant , bountiful and rather impossible planet of owerhelming and enriching variety , its glorious natural landscapes , overthronged megapolis and above all passionate flesh and blood inhabitants , luckily lost cause adventurers as well as unmanageable vitalists.




                   Let us abound on the opprobious unawareness suffered by us , the masochist heroes of ufology , concerning the very real     nature , origin and intentions of the       ever-short/lived transplutonians.     We know nothing at all about Their Lordships from   Mars , but only what Uranids simulate with interplanetary cheek in front of our stupefied look.     Abominable spacemen drudge like funambulists at a worldly proscenium , persuading spectators in regard to false stereotypes about themselves from their arcane convenience.     ( To put on an   act , verbigratia , that they are as anthropomorphous and “human” as the animalized mankind itself ).





                   We are sorry to give you such bad news , but as flying discs detectives , we are doomed to the most shameful failure.   The exclusive sum and substance at our disposal , to search otherworldly affairs , are but intoxicated appearances of theatrical   ambivalence , staged by the Sirian troupes of impudent players , through which we cannot reach any valid conclusion.




                   By our bothersome inquiries we shall arrive , at the best of possibilities and always under the paternalistic consent from our Empyreal stepcousins , only at morphologies of papier mâché which space/time impersonators show us among mocking smiles.     We are able to see not more than swindler exoforms , non-existent at the actual interweaving of things , superimposed upon the impenetrable noumen and ontological peculiarity of spatial tribes.     In the meantime paraphysic globetrotters shield , beyond some vibratory wall , their intrinsic identities , somatic figures , dimensional mother countries and authentic purposes while on Earth , essential parameters that remain unreachable to scientific protocols.                  








                   It may be rather depressing , but our sole   option , if we do not want to fool ourselves too much , rests with assuming extraterrestrials as they   strictly speaking   are : incorporeal actors who play upon the heavens some illustrating drama , to raise the level of consciousness of a planetary stock backward and unaware of its cosmospheric responsibilities.




                   The elusive factor , a top-ranking cornerstone of maximun status through the total arrangement of cosmic business , rules no more , no less than the zenith and acme of omniversal structure , and of course the grand UFO riddle.     This crucial postulate of elusiveness , indispensable to understand the confuse working of the scheme of things , helps to explain a lot of unresolved enigmas , relative to the unfictitious working of the all-embracing reality paired with unidentified flying   machines , mysteries , by the way , strikingly unintelligible without the   elusiveness   explanation.       Namely why aliens , all over half a century , did never ever venture to manifest openly throughout their many millions of veiled interventions on Earth.


                   These evasive tactics , omnipresent in all kind of events not to mention the entire UFO field , conforms a pattern of nature of a vaster , far-reaching scope.     At the same time the keystone paradigm of   elusiveness   justifies ultimately the raison d´être of some dilemmas of life , inexplicable by other agencies.   Moreover , the cosmic elusory mechanism , by means of interposing severe restrictions upon the natural chain of causes and effects , does control the highest and deepest foundations relative to the modus operandi of the whole creation.




                    The art of slipping away from sensorial scene , after their very design , creation and upkeeping of physical   worlds , is a typical feature of the power elite who governs inhabited stars.   Macrocosmic executives , august rulers of galaxies, suns , three-dimensional orbs , astral realms , etheric planets and parallel universes , are amongst other things prestidigitators of fine skill who , facing creatures , blurr the obvious traces of their own acts of management.     Therefore , from our dull-witted point of view , Reality appears as a phantom and pure-chance automatic meccano , devoid of any sort of intentional rhyme or   reason , intelligence , emotional energy, law and order , guiding directives or deliberate control.





                  The tortuous plan of action applied through the entire layout of cosmosphere , hardly straight nor as plain as a pikestaff , but stealthy and two-facedness , presents itself in the manner of the sly script of certain ersatz-pictures , which the     demiurges-filmmakers project towards human cattle against the scenery of our visible environment.     Beneath such a phantasmagoric strip cartoon , their immaterial librettists who manipulate human fate , crouched behind the scenes , have concealed , with exquisite Machiavellism ,first of all the tracks from their own organizing deeds , put together with everything cropped up from a previous volitional cause , as well as any sign from the countless unknown beings , agencies and laws which give a meaning , dynamize and enrich the universe although ourselves, poor carnal   peasants , are not able to apprehend them.




                   At the doorway of XXI century , the studious are already on the watch that the frontispiece detected by our coarse senses , is not in the least whatsoever throbs into and out of the bunch of infinite , multidimensional , simultaneous , interpenetrated and of course inhabited universes.     But this huge trans-sensorial segment from the total pluricosmos , does not become imperceptible by chance.     To be exact , the     non-atomic arena has been preconcertedly screened facing our human range of vision.





                   It means that the fathomless , hypercomplex and polydimensional corpus of the paraphysic sphere , dramatically bona fide in itself , exhibits notwithstanding , before everyday mortals , only one ( the “hard” portion of protons , neutrons, electrons and quarks ) among its many-level actual sections. We can see only the rather inconsequential fraction , from the indiscernible assemblage of Totality , which has been contrived on purpose , having in mind that this subsidiary and low in rank compartment of The All could be perceived by our gross and inefficient sensorial equipment , designed to selectively see , hear , smell , taste and touch solely our own particular category of electro-magnetic matter ; and to never be aware of ethereal nor   n-dimensional   other-kinds of substances which overload the universe of universes.     A delusory , unreal 3-D stuff simulating to be the “unique” and comprehensive physical world that interweaves itself , ambushed through a vaster     fourth-dimensional background.




                   We Terrans are becoming more and more matured immersed throughout the multisphere : a living aggregation of space(s) , time(s) , vibration , thought , feeling , fields of intentional forces , impalpable dimensions , unnumbered high frequency planes and ethereal levels of reality , the sum of them effervescent by life and palpitating beings , besides physical, astral and spiritual atoms consolidating many unthinkable varieties of dense or rarefied “matters” , aside from causal intelligence in association with volitional energy.     As a humble part in this imposing global scheme , 3-dimensional planetoid Earth is but one amongst trillions of other equivalent and vibratory spheres of existence , each of them pertaining to a concrete layer of oscillatory waves which amalgamate a particular subgenus of     “solid” stuff.




                   At such a bottomless state of   affairs , the restrained   “left-overs”   from the overall cosmos -our visible atomic fabric- that succeed to pass through the sieve of human perception , sensorial device extremely specialized only in our specific 3-D mass , act as a class of educational hallucination , some kind of illusive maya     by no means representing faithfully the indwelling nature of reality , being   this   one   a   noumenic   arcanum , the           things-in-themselves forever out of reach for earthborns, at least in our present phase of development.




                     In view of that sort of pedagogical aim , we are sealed off inside a glamourous bull pen , that is , certain bamboozler-habitat established ad hoc where palpable humanities take advantage from cosmospheric assistance along a broad lapse of time , so that thriving creatures can seize over and again opportunities to assimilate carnal experiences of a rudimentary fashion , formative lessons necessary and unavoidable at the dawning of evolution.



                   In this didactic arena , in order to learn doing   it , men protagonize visceral passions , immensely attractive. Magnetic pleasures for the ego , inseparable from the initial   zoo-hominid evolutionary stage : selfishness , eating , drinking and sleeping , to say nothing of sex , jealousy , alcohol and drugs, laziness plus hedonism , possessivity , wealth , luxury as well consumption drive , vanity , ambition , pride , power and dominion , glory in addition to fame , hatred , vengeance , cruelty……




                   People keep interplaying amid these orbs of dense building blocks , finding out the art of fulfilling an intelligent life by direct involvement and trial and error , until individuals learn by themselves and all alone to overcome in full success the frontier custom-house of more higher tenuous dimensions , less made of animal corporeity.      




                   At the lofty kingdoms lying on the road to highness up , up and away   along Jacob´s ladder , summits onto which laggard earthlings will lift upwards in the fullness of time   ( thanks to the meritocratic evolutive sweat of their brow ) , ultramundane substantialness takes root , unfamiliar genres of astral/etheric/spiritual   “matter” , imperceptible by undeveloped sojourners from this planetary enclosure , sensually hard and tactile , which tradition-bound physicists and astronomers turn over in their minds as the unique possible world.









                   The inveterate habit of keeping themselves under cover , on the part of beatific agents , represents a supremely clever stratagem , in force not only regarding UFOs and terrestrial undertakings , but also throughout each and every situation prevalent in the whole omnisphere.                  




                   The transcendent working principle of the ubiquitous hide-and-seek play , would imply that all that exists has been conceived and materialized by virtue of the professional work of invisible hordes of specialists , from the staff of       think-tanks belonging to the vault of heavens.     Such a management of macrocosmic affairs would take rational criteria as a basis to optimize manifested reality.




                   On that account , the maintenance , government and control of the worlds , people and course of events ,are carried through myriads of shrouded   -so to speak-   presidents , managing directors , area supervisors and foremen from the vast corporation that in practice is the divinosphere.




                   The billions of aimful decisions adopted by     top-ranking galactic executives , in order that the cosmic Rolex   may strike the exact hour , are brought to pass with thoughtful safeguards , taking maximun care of effacing any track from the diligent working intelligences or directive hands implicated in the managing of creation.




                   The omniverse´s ruling power , making use of amazing paranormal dexterity , fades away from sensorial horizon -to hit and run-   after accomplishing its creative or overseeing tasks. By so a cunning subterfuge it may look , from the viewpoint of low-lying sentient beings , as if prima facie the world and nature   “work by themselves ,     self-sufficient as well in automatic fashion , shut out from any plan of action, blueprint, rhyme or reason , purpose at large, chairmans nor commanding deities”.




                     Why so an antinatural disappearance of thaumaturgic managers and bosses from the whole observable creation ?.   Obvious , dear Watson ; it is a matter of course : to preserve human freewill.   Such a tortuous line of action avoids putting untimely unquestionable evidence at our disposal , gratis and not earned the hard way.     Elusiveness puts a stop to inopportune proofs in regard to the doubtless existence of any overwhelming division from the infiniverse , imperceptible by 3-D mortals : parallel otherworldly levels of reality , alternative vibratory realms , paraphysic phenomena , extraterrestrials , inhabited planets and dimensions off space/time , ethereal hyerarchies , eventual supervising angels or blissful entities , patterns of law and order in cosmic business……




                   The double-dealing tactic gives also the slip to not disturbing the self-directing development of isolate planetary stirps , their autonomies guaranteed by a sacrosanct mandate of non-interference.     The shifty strategy does not force   self-conscious beings to be sure of things we cannot see, and therefore individuals remain at any time unfettered to believe, or not believe , in questionable matters of faith.   Let us remember that only under non-coercive   choosing , along with perpetual uncertainty and doubt ( just our case on Earth ) , can fructify unbound merit , an all-important corollary of liberty.



                   This dreadful scarcity of incontrovertible truth provides , it is a subtle paradox , the crucial privilege of keeping alive our unrestrained capability to elect , of one´s own accord , among alternative and contradictory options , all of them equally unconvincing , in regard the           First Cause , the whys and wherefores of existence , good versus evil , and analogous dilemmas from the uncertain domains of   metaphysics , theology and cosmogony.



                   On the contrary , hard sensorial authentication with respect to the eternal and never answered questions of man , would imply irresistible coercion , without any actual freedom at all for choosing.     This slavery situation would be due to the practical impossibility of rejecting absolute evidence ,   a case of compulsory , forceful adoption of supraphysical beliefs.




                   Let us suppose sideral mentors , under wraps behind the window shades of human perception , are responsible for taking on decisions , of all-inclusive scope and transcendence ,   to devise the skilful working of the entire omniverse.       On that account , the queer shifting demeanour of high-rank   non-Terrans would not be an exceptional master plan circumscribed only to the problems of our unpretentious geoid. Systematic evasiveness could rather represent some inherent pattern prevailing ever since the very dawn of time and space throughout cosmocratic infinitude.




                   In accordance with massive contemporary revelation, quadrillions of cosmospheric techniques and specialists, consecrated to a synergic optimization of     The All , would be labouring throughout intangible populated realms , over and above observable nature , kept busy with the rational conceiving ,   plan of action , design , creation , organization , control , care and keeping up of the hypercomplex pluridimensional reality which consolidates the infiniverse , all in concert and structured by law , order and sapient purpose.




                   Well , behold the strangest conundrum : no traces at all are left behind , from so multitudinous an army of farm hands at the Lord´s vineyard.     Manyllions of administrators are forever vanishing into thin air , as if executors had never existed and the procedure of macrocosmic business were self-made by magic and miracle , per se aside hither from hazard and chaos or intentional energy.

                   Indoors unfathomable aggregation of         endless coeternal universes , our beloved , low-grade and     long-wide-high cosmos , humbly comprised of nothing but space, time , galaxies , stars , planets , satellites , dark 3-D matter and   -at least here on Earth-   flesh and blood personages , is just a mere unimportant storey -of compact physical atoms- amongst zillions of further equivalent floors , each inhabited and composed   by   not   the   same type   of   building bricks. The assemblage of all these coexistent , interpenetrating stages, erects the metaphorical skyscrapper , by an other name , the infinite-dimensional exosphere.







                     As said before , extra-dimensional superintendents devote themselves to engineer the omniversal ensemble , look after the worlds and regulate all kinds of problems and situations affecting galactic affairs , humanities and even concrete individuals.   Such multifarious governmental activities are performed , however , out of sight and without leaving any hint of so a big ruling mission.     There is a deliberate intention of wiping out the least vestige of the implied ever-present manipulations in cosmic and human concerns.




               All this blurred ministry of reality´s transactions is brought into being , as we have pointed out , to make sure that living souls hold the unreal impression that the omnisphere self-organizes itself in spontaneous manner , short of law and order , clever end in view or purposeful goals.     Hence the multi-reality appears to act in a random way , with no need of any holy demiurges , directing minds or volitive guidance.



                   Wherefore , the   massive   and   “personalized”     tutorship , government and regulation of   All-That-Exists , becomes certain beyond all questions to the few wide-awaken ones mixed up in life arena , but it results undemonstrable   per se.     In a fashion , and under severe restrictions not to sap the sacred foundations of individual voluntariness , our minds , lives and fates are somehow manipulated , althou__ , in general and except special cases , for our greatest welfare.   Creatures , of course , are in the least livestock in any planetary farm.   Nevertheless , it seems that nobody from above takes care of mundane turn of events.


                 The   elusiveness´s   field of influence is so bottomless in scope , that it pervades not only the entire universe , but even theological convictions.     Supposing that some imaginable specimen of the inaccesible   Most High   proclaimed by deists could in fact exist , its primordial measure , following the generation of an endless multicosmos , would have consisted in whisking itself out of sight , linked to causing to vanish from the scene its countless exalted deputies   and   collaborators in the   moulding of some 99 %   from   The Manifested , those mind-boggling quarters of extradimensional things.




                 What could be the rational justification of so an ostensible not facing up before sons-of-gods perception ?. To steal the paraphysic sector of the unisphere from the incapacious awareness of homo sapiens , who , by such an astute trick of hiding sensorial evidence , is never compelled to believe in divine agents , seraphs     or aliens.      










The   Great Anonymous Power   AS THE     FIRST     PROTAGONIST OF                ELUSIVENESS     CANON

                 Agnostics act as if they have not any other option than unavoidable disbelief involved with all that cannot be seen.   Why so big a distrust ?.     Sceptics prefer to allow themselves the non-troubling luxury of swallowing the bait of untruthful appearances , shut their eyes -in an easy-going attitude-    to the suspicious evading comportment of nature, and make excuses :   “Due to the lack of divine proofs”.        




                   Doubting Thomases dismiss as pure fantasy , out of an irresponsible exercise of intellectual and noetic abdication , the huge intangible realms from the infinisphere , which on top of everything else , are just the pluriverse´s branches of a greatest import for sentient beings.     Freethinkers are consequent with illusory sanscrit maya , and by a subsconscious choice they agree to be defrauded by the blinders and distorting mirrors put into their heads by the duck and run masterplan.





                   The Pyrrhonist´s travelling companions , atheists, by way of a legitimate use of the liberty of not believing in what they cannot hold in view , acquiesce with arrogant naivité to rise to the rough lure cast to them by the structural appearancelity of the tissue of things.     As it was to be expected by the Puppeters who control the threads above and beyond the sensorial barrier , the positivists favour , at an underlying level , to let themselves be led astray by the frippery purposefully orchestrated by chimerical outward forms.




                 And from their subjective logic , nonbelievers arrive at the complacent , free from worry conclusion that there is not anything else than those thick and obvious objects glimpsed by their retinas , and that cosmocracy runs fairly well upon the rails of chance and nature´s spontaneity.




                   The ubiquitous norm of endemic world´s misrepresentations , veils not only the exobiological subculture but it also beclouds , as we have just brought to attention , the paraphysic reality and even so the immaterial homegrounds of religion and theodicy. This omnipresent         Law of Elusive Action   was before now insinuated by philosophers who called into question   the veil of Isis   as well the infamous , exasperating and everlasting     “silence of God”.








           The notable Gallic folklorist                 Bertrand Meheust gave warning about the inner mechanisms of this keystone of government´s cosmos by his   1978   book   Science-fiction and flying saucers.     And we owe to   Antonio Moya Cerpa , the Sevillian author of   Dictionary of the planet Ummo language , the formulation in explicit terms of   elusiveness   law of laws.




                   As a facet of Alien´s psychological warfare ,   the universe presents to choice , at creature´s free   disposal , the very same amount of both light versus darkness.         The French thinker   Blaise Pascal             ( 1623 – 1662 ) made known the evading haze put into practice by interdimensional factotums , consisting in meddling our 3-D touchable manor while barricading themselves behind some opaque   screen , by means of the following Pensée :                            





           “If religion boasted that it had a clear sight of God and plain and manifest evidence of His existence ,   it would be an effective objection to say that there is nothing to be seen in the world which proves Him so obviously.       But since on the contrary it says that men are in darkness and remote from God , that He has hidden himself from their understanding , that this is the very name which He gives to himself in Scripture : Deus absconditus           (   the hidden   God ).”   “And , in a word , if it strives equally to establish these two facts : that God has appointed visible signs in the Church so that He shall be recognized by those who genuinely seek   Him , and that He has none the less hidden them in such a way that He will only be perceived by those who seek Him with all their heart [….]”.     “There is sufficient light in the world for those who desire to see , but also enough darkness to be put into service by men who prefer not hold certain things in view”.




                   The so much quoted   elusiveness   complies with a double role in its pursuit of blotting out the aftereffects of whichsoever a sort of intelligence could rule over space/time/matter.     First of all the dodging plot leaves no vestige from any corroboration founded upon the vast non-atomic universes which make up our hyperdimensional pluricosmos.





                 At the same time the escaping tactic muffles up the tireless intentional activity   that , if we give credit to ancestral and modern revelation , takes place in etheric enclosures ( acts of management on the part of mysterious hyerarchies of “personal” nature ).     So big a theft of non-patent occurrences , sanctioned by the cosmospheric set of laws in command of Totality , is an implement of the mammoth educational program brought into effect over Earth commonalty. The universal system stings evolutive beings on and on through cultivating a permanent doubt , added up to stimulant inquietudes engendered by the existential uncertainty we suffer , because of our ignorance about the whys and wherefores of ultrasensorial life.




                   In short   :   UFOs-and-elusiveness   is a mere particular case from a higher all-inclusive   cosmic postulate of more broad expanse.     But , to what purpose might serve to govern reality covered up by the darkness of night ?.     Which powerful underlying reasons do refuse a consent to the top executives of cosmocracy to manage themselves openly , showing us their secret faces and the veritable work of pulling the universe´s strings ?.              





                     It is plain like a pikestaff that cosmogonic   goal-oriented happenings , joined with the ostentatious alien comedy of intrigue , are mapped out in cold blood and   crystal-clear deliberation , but leaving no clues.     Why ?. On the understanding that the directorship of the scheme of things never more give rise to incontrovertible substantiations apropos of the pervasive makings the scene by transplutonian folks , nor ratifications about the good offices of bodiless stage players , devoted to put cosmic events back on the right track.




                   Secrets of the UFO   , a humble     103-page metaphysical assets published in 1977 , has gone unnoticed by the general public and even UFO   community , in spite of its being a breathtaking masterpiece added to a keystone in the profuse worldwide E.T. literature.     In the sound judgment of its authors , Don Elkins and Carla Rueckert , cosmospheric reality does not make known itself in front of creatures without cunning subterfuges.




               The omniverse´s commanding entities have paramount reasons to display before human flocks , with stark premeditation , a surreptitious   fifty per cent   of mere   non-conclusive signs that would seem to ensure , to a certain but not total extent , the hypothetical actuality of some overwhelming branch of unobservable entia , that is to say : The Potential   or   The Non-Manifested   ( any existential mass already conceived and pre-designed , but not yet coalesced upon the fields of The Manifested ).   All of this in addition to the fathomless archdimensional infiniverse , except for a tiny physical remnant grasped by our faulty 3-D senses ( the parrochial spatial/temporal/atomic   galaxodrome which we are conversant with ).




                 But through the very same billiard stroke -in the opinion of Carla Rueckert- , and making use of criteria algebraically impartial and equitable , The All exhibits too, facing intelligent beings , as it could not be in any other way, a further equivalent and compensatory second   half   of     non-decisive hints and loose ends : simple glimmers which insinuate , without never providing any verification , the probable inexistence of the colossal departments from the unisphere qualified   to elude   the   perceptual   machinery of homo erectus, , habitats comprising ethereal stuffs , gods , archangels , and of course UFOs plus alienauts.




                  This balanced   fifty – fifty   ostentation of symbolic but non-definitive indicators , relative to both blocks of qualities of nature , represents a democratic opportunity , fair and supremely equalitarian , open to elections about the whole gamut of ideologies , opinions , beliefs and volitions , set forth to choice at sentient hominids´ disposal , as regard to their free assumption of personal attitudes and preferences in front of life.




                   In the manner of informative posters ,         The System shoves down creatures´ throats the subtle inducement of an exhaustive range of paraphysic vestiges , endowed with multivocal meaning : some ambiguous inklings discard , while their no less two-edged opposite clues encourage , the antinomic and bipolar options derived from cosmic dualism   ( good/evil , positive/negative , ethical/immoral , heterocentric/egocentric, synergical/anarchic , entropic/unentropic , etcetera ).




                     In a few words : we risk living , that   is , man is compelled to select among a set of   all kinds   of contrasting signals from non-tactile domains.   These equivocal tokens are shown ahead people by the universe , with an helpful intention of casting aside , through exquisite equanimity , any preconceived bias relative to its offering of multifarious cues out of supersensible habitats.                                                    





                   And at a time , the macrocosm       semi-affirms , as well as it quasi-denies in unison , each of those before mentioned pairs of antagonistic dual contraries.   Depending upon personal choice on how every individual , out of his own volition, prefer   to interpret   the ever ambivalent life stimulants , as well as the hypothetical and always doubtful manifestation, versus its   eventual non-existence , of the out of reach many-dimensional omniverse.









FOR       A       NEBULOUS       WORLD


         The earlier stated remarks deal with a stark caution arbitrated by cosmocratic power , to guarantee , in whichever circumstance , a safe-guarding of the top-rank wishes of thinking fellows.




                 To all appearances , we enjoy the highest of privileges : the design , working and goals of the whole, infinite multicosmos , are subservient at all costs under individual liberty.   It is a mind-boggling paradox that the boundless , all-inclusive Ultimate Reality   revolve around no less   than   self-determination of vital entities.     In witness whereof , we may infer the uttermost importance and sacred value the omnisphere grants to the freedom of its   children , wherefrom human sovereignty epitomizes the apex , cornerstone and crowning point of All That Is.



                   In view of such an endless supply of intentional ambiguity , with regard to the ontology and intrinsic nature of superphysical inhabited strata , parallel with macrocosmic demiurges , we may arrive at the conclusion that conscious souls reap the benefits of a very real ability to choose sans coercion.   As a basis we take our own unrestricted predilections , amongst a range of other available , antithetical and mutually excluding options , like to believe or not believe in everything that belongs to the light and shade from conjectural things we cannot see nor touch.                  




                 Verbigratia : some examples from these life constituents along with indiscernible non-conventional   entities : God ; angelic phalanxes , thrones , powers and dominations ; demonic presences ; Virgin Mary apparitioners; parallel universes ; indwelled planets of etheric substance ; dimensional realms ; extraterrestrials ( inhabitants from other inconceivable worlds and non-corpuscular levels of reality ) ; alien abductors ;           Men in Black ; Yetis and Bigfoots ; phantom animals side by side with lochnessian aquatic   monsters ; elementals ( little nature caretakers ) ; intraterrestrials from the alleged hollow Earth theory ; discarnate spirits of the dead roaming astral planes and committed to tempt unresistant     people ; the end in mind & law and order that , why not ? , could be in charge of the supercosmos occurrences ; synergic along with teleological layout and blueprint of every feature with the addition of animate or inert elements and beings who throb within the unisphere     bosom   ; etc. , etc..




                   Is it imaginable a greater respect for the most unbound election of favourite attitudes , beliefs and demeanours on the part of simple mortals ?.     We have just kept an eye on the more than crucial postulate of safekeeping human free will any way at all.     Hence , everything else in the whole aggregate of universes must hold subordinated to the autonomy of hominid races.                                                        





                   This golden rule of individual self-government would be so the   raison d´etre   , judging by outward appearances , of a strange and disconcerting cosmos beyond human comprehension: a kind of at first sight random , unplanned , lawless , disorganized , aimless , undirected as well haphazard universal system that , in order to laissez-faire its residents , ought to manifest itself through a confusing and equivocal course of actions.




                 In such a manner , if the self-direction of creatures has to be preserved one way or another , our galactic/dimensional environment , enclosing its ruling dynasty, must become necessarily overshadowed and made indistinct by the odd psychological engineering of elusiveness.     The cost for truth´s seekers , in regard to this imperative blurring of reality , consists in such logical reactions as bewilderment , chronic doubts , despondency or throwing up the sponge , on account of a lasting for life want of trustworthy answers to the metaphysical questions of man.




                   We have brought to one´s notice , as a backcloth, the ultradimensional background of our humble space/time   unit , behind-the-scenes   known only by hearsay.         No supraphysical element located within non-material planes , turns out ever to be for us ,       prima facie , clear and well-lit, plain as day nor beyond question.                                                      


                 Taking that cosmic reconditeness into consideration, mortal´s knowledge does not ripen at all for nothing , in automatic   mode , nor come in ex officio   through the five embryonic senses.     Quite the opposite , we have to earn understanding all alone on an individual level , thanks to one´s bare hands.       This essential requisite   -to be worthy of wisdom , previous hard personal work- is a blessed gymnastics to encourage our evolutive unfolding by means of meritocratic effort.




                   Let us bring up again the advertising campaign on a planetary scale , shown out of foreign dimensions by the marketeers of   The Transcendent.     Their tortuous propaganda seems to inculcate into sublunary guys the Hamlet´s epigram : “There are more things in Heaven and Earth , Horatio , than are dreamt of in our philosophy”.      




                 The    ½   +   ½     technique put at stake by reality, to cover up itself ahead of earthborns , was long ago glimpsed by Carla Rueckert.     Such an extremely subtle habit of working , lies in thrusting down the public´s gullet , rigorously alike in proportions , a pair of balanced blocks of mere cognitive suspicions , both , at the most , conjectures or guesses endowed by zero certainty.                                            





                   On the one hand , a half of affirmatory hints to the following effect   :   “Look , we are here , the rulers of all things in our shared universe”.     Compensated by another opposite fifty per cent   of denying counter-hints in the sense   “The cosmos is in no way superintended by any planning , intelligent design , law and order nor etheric commanders-in-chief.   The world rather obeys to flawless chance along purposeless accident.”




                   Thus the first coalition of reality´s tips and traces , pleads for the underlying of imperceptible realms and entities who take charge of cosmic matrix business.     But as another equalizing side of the universal picture , a second and complementary league of antagonic symptoms , seems to advocate that there is nothing else than what you see at first sight.    Half cues involved too in the very same scheme of things , and signs only detectable , like the precedent and discrepant half , by those who , of their sovereign attitude and volition , would prefer to choose them.




                   Here is therefrom at our disposal a dual contrasting sets of insinuations about the nature and working of the universe and its caretakers.     Many-sided proposals expounded amidst the carnival of life , in order that we may be able to interpret their respective quotas of ambivalent suggestions , entirely of our own unsubject desires.




                   We have just dealt with the heaven´s strategy to safeguard free will , through the subtle expedient of putting to choice , under the eyes of men , a semisphere of foreshadowings aimed to build up , within a part of the collective mind , a belief in the actual existence of metaphysical realms and beings.     Duly counteracted by another equal but contrary bisection of reverse clues denying invisible worlds and intentional energies.




                   By such left-handed tactics , nobody is forced by sensorial evidence to be certain of alleged impalpable kingdoms. Accordingly , people keep alive their capacity to decide their own resolution , upon either to put or not put faith in unobserved spheres of existence and their supposed living entities.













               In good logic and equity , this extradimensional policy of playing hide-and-seek with mankind , requires also to be engineered , in regard to alien revelatory affairs , by the Machiavellian manoeuvre of inspiring humanity a   50 %   of true information , equilibrated by another   50 %   of lies ,   absurd , disinformation , inconsistencies and impudent misrepresentations.   So man-in-the-street is not pressed to trust the faulty   ollathe mman-in-the-streetes.




                     This is in fact a double-dealing procedure put into practice by our sideral mentors , with a cold cynicism plentiful enough to drive earthlings lunatic.     It is comprised in the modern project of unveiling for human society alien knowledge , beside paraphysical data , through telepathy , trance or automatic writing.   Hence the insoluble problem of flagrant discordances in the content of revelation.

                 A good portion of the many hundreds of books dictated to contactees in the four corners of the          globe , from indiscernible levels of vibration , is not transvased into Terra by any single bodyless communicant who identifies himself by way of a personal name , as the naïve flying saucer´s flock takes for granted.                                              




                 On the contrary , the otherworldly information comes down from a corporate think tank of the etheric dominions. After a negotiated debate , and previous to a consensus among the heterogeneous members of a council of experts called together at the broadcasting committee , the conveyed discourses, from   many-faceted ideologies , theoretical tendencies and philosophical opinions , eventuate in the end carefully concluded in agreement amid “revelatory table”.




                Thereupon the definitive text , worked out in mutual consent , is delivered into our biosphere not by one and only entity -as above said- but through the synergic intellectual energy of some multidisciplinar team of specialists dwelling in the astral planes.     In spite of everything , the board of revealers , to gild the pill more easily to the credulous human herd , feigns a comedy as if the speaker were one sole and unique celestial mouthpiece.



                   One by one , with the help of a sort of collegial transaction , the successive orators remain instilling into the clairvoyant´s head their multifarious and of course discrepant theories elucidative of the nature of reality.     The cenacle of many-faceted revelators does not mind at all to stay far from being in accord with each other , nor to conceal the arrogation of fictitious identities , provided that this work party of divulgers be successful selling under mask , to unarmed humankind , their particular points of view , at variance as hard as it can be ( licit convictions from each and all contrastive schools of thought , installed in every corner of alternative dimensions ).




                   It deals with a joint and bipolar revealing council ( let us say “the good”   in front of   “the bad” ones ), made up so to speak by a bizarre melée of both angels versus demons.     A Manichean entente between spokesmen from each host of the Light at odds with the Darkness , who upbear diametrically opposed coefficients of cosmospheric ethics.




                   The preachers from the spiritual   “right wing” hemisphere of the multiverse , report truthfully and are determined to “mysticalize” , open the mind and raise the level of consciousness of Earth population.     Their   “left wing” competitors , heralds of moral negativism ( let us remember theocratic   dualism ) , on the contrary , transfuse unveracious cosmic data , and bring into play their sharp-witted , seductive intellectual powers to confound , take in and corrupt the joyful & trusting contactee clientele.




                   These binary broadcasters from such a hen party held on good terms , make a sectarian speech one after the other, intermingling their antithetical discourses without warning the unaware human audience , nor intercalating   -as it should be- any landmark or poster proclaiming the furtive replacements of consecutive lecturers.




                 Apropos of the insufferable mystification under way , such missing red pilot lamps , should put on the alert those unsuspecting readers of revelatory bedlam , who take for granted that one unique monocolour entity expresses itself all the time. But of course not.   Each one of the variegated telepaths from the afterworld , when drawing near its oral turn, insufflates into the sensitive´s mind and heart its own personal , subjective and private cosmovision , in many cases differing 180 degrees from the philosophy of life sanctioned by the precedent or the following reporter giving word at the entangling process of revelation.



                   Then , how could the unarmoured revelationee discern between the straighforward against untrustworthy inspired recitals ?.     Sorry , but revelation is singly a hopeless trap.   The drug addict consumers of dictated platitudes from the celestial heights are but unguarded victims of the transcommunication pitfall.     They are zealot enthusiasts of some unsolvable mess , and cannot at all discriminate among the tenuous shades of the brought to light truths/lies , nor are they gifted with adequate tools to interspace the damned chaff from Arcadian grain.




                 But how can be conceived that macrocosmic czars take heart to authorize so cyclopean a deceptive manipulation of nicknamed free beings ?. Well , there is a kind of surreal explanation for this mystery of mysteries.                        




                 Interdimensional police grants permission to put to choice before our brains this intoxicating potpourri of oppugnant ideologies , so that , as a matter of fact , the postulate of universal dualism might be manifested , mapped out indoors the inner core of the most supernal tabernacles of Reality.                   We allude here again to some dynamic interaction, or symbiotic and unifying relatedness , between complementary pairs of seeming opposites , which creatures must synthesize into oneness by means of a subtle discriminating soul device , generated through the wisdom decanted by aeons of many-faceted life experiences.     Such presumed antipodal concepts , we do repeat , are couples of principles tied up in an illusory fight against each other , a supposed antagonism which conforms the binary quintessence of all created   things : honest-wicked, daylight-obscurity , excellent-lowest ,   above-below , seraphic-diabolical ,   best-worst ,             heavenly-infernal…..




                 So , from a cosmic point of view , it is quite legitimate and useful that psychographied writings be celestial and demonic at the same time.     In honor to fairness and equipotent offering of free evolutionary opportunities , channeled texts must share wheat and darnel with wonderfully identical 50 % arithmetic percentages.     And to desperation of weaponless revelatory martyrs , the questionable theories infiltrated in mutual competition , are not trumpeted across dimensional layers toward human genre as what they really are , mere personal opinions or feigned stories from each unseeable speech-maker , but are loudspoken in clinching terms as indisputable sanctified dogmas , and more than that , in some abhorrent , inextricable mixture impossible to disembowel.





                   Hence the corpus of mediumistic papers turns out to be scandalously contradictory.     The channeled messages present a hodgepogde of the more disparate archetypes , brought to this planet by etheric counsellors from the whole gamut of ideological tendencies , levels of wisdom and moral values.




                 It is well known by broken-hearted ufologists   that , in regard to the very same concrete subject matter , one inspired volume gives the verdict A , and , on the contrary , whichever else revealed book dauntless asseverates Z.   And nobody far Above   blushes nor makes excuses for such overpowering and blameworthy incongruence.




                 If due to this creaking mélange of irreconcilable pronouncements about highly important subjects of dispute in life , the unfortunate consumer of revelatory outputs ends up an inmate at the madhouse , it would be considered a normal fate , taking into account that deranged asylum nurses ought to earn their livings   somehow .





                   As one amid the many sequels from the general pattern of dissimulation critically examined here , we do bring to the fore again that the farandole of empyreal agents ruling the cosmos , are constrained to sneak away as cockroaches surprised by a sudden electric light , slip off evading the issue , as well as to work in disguise throughout all their managing interventions , in order to take away public certitude relative to the executive duties of non-human intelligencies.




                 The self-evanescence of those subdivinities who sotto voce bring into play purpose , authority and control regarding universe´s particulars , underlies out of necessity. Such a drop from the visual stage into the befogged skyline , is coerced by their obligatory adaptation to the leading astray enticements of the cosmic actors who are pressed to    mise en scène   at the foreground of population.                    




                 Here is a thespian art , play-acted with a view to pull the wool of non-obvious phenomena over people´s eyes.     And in the same breath , to infiltrate into the heart of society a glaze of dodging antinomies , that is   :   lavish doses of confusedness and preplanned deception together with shameless disinformation , expounded in plain sight in addition to copious falsities muddled up by partial verities , quasi-truths , gross exaggerations , cheeky fibs , strangeness facet plus large-hearted tips of absurdity.                    




                 These distorting ingredients , officiate the role of distractive features , pervaded into every corner of the social body , with the shrewd end in mind of casting some slur upon a too much pristine truth about the nature of things , and therefore excessively convincing and “evident”.



              We are speaking of a sort of statics jumbled in and out of background noises   ; the kind of interferences which screen meta/reality by means of a deliquescent cloak of hazed characterizations.     Roles interpreted in front of human stalls with the resolve of killing two birds with one stone : to make earthlings familiar with the actual existence of some inhabited, loving and available exosphere , and at the same token cautiously to throw the masses somehow off the scent.     A fallacious objective no doubt fulfilled with glittering success by outlandish emissaries.




                   We are so immersed in a disturbing situation , wrongly deciphered by unsagacious folk as the dictatorship of arbitrariness , injustice and chaos throughout the world.     And it is explicable that such a general viewpoint be so , in the light of the cheating public relations campaign cooked up by archangelic swindlers.    




                 Let us indulge for a little while in the reverie that cosmospheric data banks were plenteous of any imaginable richness of comprehensive information , crystal-clear , veracious and more than that , accesible to all mortals whenever you like. Without making a   move , it would be possible to know everything.

But beware of such kind of omniscience , hardly deserved because this gratuitous class of wisdom would not be earned through direct personal experience , trial and error nor with one´s bare and meritocratic hands , as it should be done according to natural laws.  




                 It is beyond question that in the absence of persevering research , intellectual training and undying pursuit of truth , the race of man would end degenerated , numb and drowsy , resting on its laurels upon a vital lawn chair , unable to gain by individual effort any knowledge nor evolutive progress.     But do not worry ; life adventurers were born under a lucky star.   Souls take advantage of the useful opacity conferred to the interstices of reality by the fog interfused from the tortuous elusiveness.



                   It is a paradox , but this damned brume is just the stimulus that lazy guys ( almost the total populace of the   globe ) need to be spurred onwards , in order to avoid stagnation and keep a permanent challenge encouraging to inquire , investigate the unknown and , in short , learn the laws of life and our responsibilities in regard to optimize the universe we live in.




                   In great measure the perennial irresolution which in a short-term afflicts mortals , a perplexity derivable from not knowing what to believe , is the exorbitant but very lucrative price we ought to pay , in equitable exchange for the eximious treasure of freedom.




                   Creatures thus enjoy the good luck that an intrinsic hesitation , stirred up by the deliberate concealment of supraphysic   corporeities , provides , on the opposing tray from the scales , the required adrenalin which takes charge of goading man to undertake a tireless scrutiny looking for the cryptic working of pan-reality.     This unceasing inquest is     precisely the locomotive of the evolutionary development of  homo sapiens-sapiens.     Ergo if our blessed   elusiveness   did not exist , then it should be invented.





UFOS     AND     THEIR     PLAY     AT



          Let us return to the unintelligible program of aliens , a hundred percent incoherent and saturated by senseless tours de force.     If we bear in mind the   elusiveness   syndrome , prevalent throughout                 All That Is   , ufonaut´s course of action could by no means be inconsistent with the more general and utmost commandment of mask and fancy dress.    




                   Here is the astounding paradox that after five decades of millions of sightings , landings , humanoids , contacts , abductions as well as the never-ending exospheric meddling in Terra affairs , we have not yet been able to gather even the least bit of unquestionable evidence relative to   super-human perpetrators.     This mind-boggling impossibility can only be attributable to the severe restrictions imposed upon the managerial work of empyrean hyerarchies , by a complot consisting of behaving unfailingly in some underhand way.



                   The first-rate precaution of UFO occupants , therefore , must be never substantiate , at any cost , their factual existence under the nose of general public.     Neither to leave clues in front of the dogmatic caste of academia , heartfelt intoxicated by its neurotic obsession with the worshipped scientific method ( open sesame of impossible putting into practice through the vast subsensorial worlds ) , as well as its morbid passion in regard to the sacrosanct material proofs   ( pseudo-validations that strictly speaking fade away like phantom entelechies as soon as the studious goes deeply into higher frequential quarters , subatomic fields , quantic realms and gnoseological epistemology ).




                   Scientists are categorical : Earth is the unique inhabited world across the staggering galactic squandering     ( about 400 billions suns only in the Milky Way , and some 100 billions galaxies known by astronomers ) ;   and flying oval models do not exist at all save in the deliriums of half-baked ufologists.       Because instead of throwing their arrogance into the wastepaper basket , or to pay attention to countryside lilies and make guesses about the underlying structure of nature, scholars are happier using blinders made to measure , and at the same time bar their broad-mindeness by way of safety padlocks. In this fashion men of science are getting with pleasure into their favourite muddle.



                   So the   ufolks   of energetic     bodies , appointed here to coordinate the complex agendas of never-identified objects in the blue planet , are constrained to scrupulously respect the “constitutional” precept of non-intervention in other independent cultures.   And to manage Earth´s subtle “colonization” at the penumbra , on the fringe of plain light and shorthand reporters.




                   In such a rarified global context , the     fourth-dimensional masters , who cannot enforce their civilizing patterns upon a rearward and feeble-minded humankind , have no alternative but counsel , guide and teach from the sanctum of shadows , without compelling the will of common chaps.




                   Under this inhibiting work plan , our mentors from the stars must fall back on their last resort : to limit themselves to stage a pedagogical docudrama , and theatralize         The Phenomenon   in a fully fledged line of action , endeavouring that under no circumstance anthropomorphic herds be able to ascertain anything tangible or most reliable , anent the manoeuvres of intruders from loftier vibratory planes.        




                   By way of such a sinuous ruse , the tenants from this troubling orb may suffer/enjoy till doomsday a sort of Cartesian doubt matched with intellectual   curiosity , both capable of thrusting us an impulse to advance up Jacob´s ladder.



                   Any versed saucerian buff knows that exospheric manipulators show up in front of our eyes , from global hyperphysical environment , only a few scraps of total     reality , in comparison with the vast cosmic assets the Puppeters steal to our avid thirst of knowledge.     Moreover this minimum supersensible manna is unfurled before one´s brains by the string-pullers in the false-hearted way of six of one and half a dozen of the other.     That is to say , the bags of wheat wilyly intermingled with gruesome sacks of chaff.




                   Owing to so a phenomenal jumble , man-in-the-street is harassed year after year by insidious hesitancy.   Not knowing what to   think , the commonplace townsman has no other alternative than falling in a distrusting mood , and gets along solitary in his own way.     Then the average fellow is obliged to undertake a lifelong effort of untiring quest , up to the time of recomposing by himself , if ever , and with no terrenal assistance , the pieces from the hermetic jigsaw of universal truth.



                 The poor ignorant , if he/she yearns for arriving into soul-stirring discoveries , must carry out , along his entire lifespan , a phantasmagoric reconnaisance of other immaterial “mansions” , partnered with the opulent metaphysics from subsensorial realms , besides that inscrutable kingdom of The Unmanifested.     The truth-seeker ought to nourish his search from nothing but some exasperating handful of mere disconnected hints , often incompatible with each other.                        




                   To make matters worse , the hunter in unexplored grounds suffers for ever a shortage of the sweet consolation of a single evidence beyond question about indescribable cosmic arcana.   This overall view hardly justifies the praising of heaven in regard to non-conformists , the kind of free-thinkers who seldom consent to be cheated by social ambient or their own defrauding senses.       Those unorthodox outsiders , square pegs in a round hole, crave for drilling the perceptual barrier , in order to see , feel and live by themselves , through the unfathomable wonders which throb in other vibratory precincts , beyond their five treacherous organic periscopes.









MATTER           OF           ELUSIVENESS

         In summary   :   by the year   2000   we are already aware of the naked truth consisting in                    a harsh fact :   They are indeed at the reins of this planet , from our dimensional outskirts.   At the same time , outer space guides manipulate in their own way the whole gamut of collective and even individual circumstances , and besides control , at their foremost convenience , all life predicaments across the humansphere.




                   But man also knows that interdimensional agents never fulfil their ruling mission by a plain as day approach.   Neither reign over Earth´s knotty points making good use of frankness coupled with low guards.     A rather frustrating situation for subcelestial dissenters who try not to be teased by life , E.T. nor communal pressure.     And a state of affairs particularly thwarting for   metaphysicians , philosophers , theologians and of course the pitiable , long-suffering ufologists.





                   In the midst of such an impasse , and in case humans would resolve to put intelligence into effect all through our daily personal lives , how do fellows should endure the   post-elusivic trauma at the bounds of         III millennium ?.




                 We are at last able , just in the blooming of       XXI st century , to see through the so called protectors of human species.     The planetary tutors , in default of complying to implore our explicit allowance , have forced people for millennia to play their paternalistic blindman´s buff pastime.                                                      



                   That being so , what reaction should be expected from the nowadays warned victims , the   insulted and the injured by sensorial fraud , in addition to clandestine psychic manipulation from The Beyond ?.




                 Hatred against The Space ?.     Resentment ?.   Childish kicking ?.             To moan as sacrificial lambs of ruthless extraterrestrials ?.     Self-pity ?.     Yearning for a sweet retaliation in defiance of our evasive neighbours from Above ?.     Or further immature complacencies of the sort ?.



                 Will it not perhaps be more pragmatic in the brand new 2000 to centre our full life into the subetheric art of discernment ?.   Maybe has the evolutive season arrived of being able to discriminate , with near-cherubic intuitive shrewdness, so as to become assuming with wise equanimity the beneficial outcomes from the   licit , rational and justified mechanisms of cause and effect , included   UFOs   and   elusiveness     technique ?.     In other words , to put one´s confidence in the efficient operation of the alleged karma law , a natural procedure which it is said would entrust meaning and justice into the living cosmic organism and human existence alike.




                 “All is well.     The total aggregate of things takes advantage from a lawful universal order , considered in deepness, on the whole and in the long run”   , advise us mystics and sages.     Whereas   “To understand everything is to forgive everything”.




                   We refer again to the elusory indefinition which adulterates Totality.     This dulling mist turns inexplicable the nonsensical duties of transdimensional entities not to mention anomalous flying objects.     The insidious   elusiveness permeates the all-inclusive interstices of nature , and in particular the not ever identified fleeting aeroforms.    


                 That being the case , in want of some kind of all-encompassing explanation , such as the postulate of   elusiveness´s   “non-phenomenology” , the uncluttured view of what is transpiring , in some underhand way , throughout the   non-perceptible sectors from our   omniverse , results dreadfully unintelligible.   Hence if we do not take into account elusiveness intervention , nothing whatsoever acquires logical sense , nor tallies with the embryonic discipline of intruding airships studies.   Neither it suits , strictly speaking , theology or metaphysics.   The last one , as you know , deals with very real existing entia which outwit the shoddy still camera of human vision.                                                                      



                 For those reasons , terrestrial folks come into possession of no available precedents , nor any earlier collected experience , that could teach them how to take with intelligent humanism the blow of the teasing operative of UFOs and angels, plus the foul play involved in our falling into the quintuple trap laid by the senses.




                 The parascientific workman , disgusted with the ignominy that both his raw materials and finished products remain forever doubtful in the air , culminates his career disappointed by the empty answers endowed by his ever-flowing branch of knowledge , the orthodox ufology.


                   In so a depressing deadlock , just at plain standstill and being his supplies of explanations at their lowest capacity , the studious of otherworldly strangenesses who has not yet assimilated the all-unravelling master key of   elusiveness commandment , reaches a crisis point.



                   Thereupon the rotten columns from his conceptual temple hurl down with sharp pains over his search-oriented soul. Starting from the demolition of his obsolete beliefs in the damned UFOs and creatures from inner spheres , our afflicted truth-seeker is pressed to rebuild alone and   ex-nihilo   some alternative corpus of information in reserve , on top of renovated foundations still in potential state.



                   Short both of antecedents and tradition , when all is said and done , the inquirer sets sail to a desolate crossing of desert , his own   St. John of the Cross´ dark night of the soul.     If the transdimensional explorer brings to a successful end this cathartic rising upwards to   Mount Analogous , he/she will discover , full of vibrant   wonderment , that paradigmatic interrogations from conservative ufology :





                 [ Where and how do They live , think and love ?. What kind of fair/foul play exospheric authorities machinate with   earthlings ? ] , coincide at the bottom with the eternal questions of man   :   [ Which one is the supreme quid of Ultimate Reality ?.     What phylum of intentional forcefield does infuse   life , energize and interpenetrate the whole structure of our beloved infiniverse ?.                        



                 As a humble but indispensable synergic cogwheel , how should I join power in unison with each and every being from the multicosmos , in order to optimize Totality , so that      All – That – Is   do its utmost as a sort of macrocosmic Rolls-Royce ? ].



                 At this delicate stage , the     truth-pilgrim in the process of trespassing the far side of space-time , has already come into view from the lawless jungle of ufology , to climb another   contrastive   world , the rarefied   plateau   of The Immanent.                                                



                 And now bordering the summit , the hunter of non-material goals discovers enraptured in ecstasy that his deep-felt elucidations concerning many dilemmas set forth by supernal vimanas , open up the tabernacle of spiritual arcana. And this osmosis of sacred understanding will lead him along the shortest route to certain keys and reasons that will ascend human ancestry upward to the culminant endpoint of    Alpha and Omega , coequal to Noosphere , on a par with the   Centre of the Centres.     Neither more nor less than any Nirvana or Samadhi yearned by the sons of the universe since the dawn of cosmogonic events.



                   In other words : a breathtaking revelation is in store for any “evolved”   truth-explorer fallen in love with alien spaceships and humanoids : his endmost uncovering of a top-rank paradox of mindblowing extent : it seems as if the mysteries involved in UFO lore were the very same conundrums shrouded beyond certain incognizable dominions of metaphysics , coextensive even to theology.    




                 In consequence of such a glorious inner enlightenment , and by way of conclusion , what expectations one might prognosticate to our cherished but misleading ufology ,

considering first and foremost the golden rule of the revered, all-embracing elusiveness ?.




                 Arriving at such a crucial juncture , the author does not build up thrilling hopes any more.     By dint of lucrative disillusions , the Sevillian elusivenee   feels himself comfortable as a guest in his private wholeniverse transfused by the annoying incertitude gifted by our precious elusiveness factor.                                           This sight-unseen transaction , a smooth leap into the splendent darkness , compels the writer to bring closer our daily bread of knowledge and wisdom by means of a bit of blood, kilotons of sweat , scarcely any tear to say nothing of sufficient ergs of exultation.



                   In the death rattles of XX th century , the undersigned along with other companions who left no stone unturned , became qualified to discriminate , thanks to some powerful weapons for discernment they already treasure intra muros their souls   : psychic magnifying glass , supernatural periscope and otherworldly   binoculars , all ones piled up by their burn for learning and accumulated experience.




                 That is the question.     All in all , the above clarified situation is not in the least a matter of complaint. To life´s hidden secrets divers , awaits a future -the only one feasible and captivating- pregnant with immanent undefinition , conceptual insecurity ,   semitruths , ambiguity per se , doubts to the core , light and shadow by algebraical halves.



                 And this frail edge of the razor , although it could sound like heresy , brings about to humankind fairly more privileges than tragedy.   The gods-actors from lofty dimensions were in all ages happy to perform their redeeming duties in the style of characterizations of higher standing upon Jacob´s ladder.     UFOs and alien fliers will as usual persevere engaged in a holy fellowship with their own histrionic overlords , those holier-than-thou role-players nonsensical enough as to drive one mad.




                 The hyperphysical stage troupers will feign , again and again , their routine dramaturgy as those brumous kinglets from etheric feuds , end to end Machiavellian.     Our heavenly manipulators will continue , of course , their impersonations and mimicry in the open sight of   homo erectus   zoology.  




                   Elysiac string-pullers of human marionettes keep on sine die   behaving in the one and only fashion galactic legislation grants permission to them   :   unattainable , blurred like   gorillas in the mist , ambivalent , equivocal , unpredictable , marvellously up in the air , enhearteners of fifty-fifty deception versus certainty .   The hitherto called to mind stellar hyerarchies no doubt will endure excruciating mortals from cradle to grave , through a sort of electrifying intellectual irresolution to which , for our best , we cannot renounce nor should we abdicate.




                     It   is   a   gloriousness   that   our   particular

space/time universe drive forward the so called ufologists to take the strenuous responsibility of filling with their personal effort and creative imagination the countless hollows left on our path by elusiveness logistics.       And Terrans are , too , lucky because the scheme of things motivates citizens to disentangle that unsoundable puzzle representative of   The All, whose decodifying key refuse to bestow on human livestock , free of charge , Their Lordships , our dearest psychonauts mon amour , whom God save forever.





©Copyright Ignacio   Darnaude   Rojas – Marcos       




